Thursday, December 4, 2014

SOLUTION NIGHT: Freedom from Sickness, Satanic Oppression and Bondage

The bible says for this purpose the son of God was made manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil. Today we see sicknesses of all kinds, demonic oppression, stagnation, bondages, people living under spells and nothing good seems to be happening in their lives. Their lives are in constant darkness and disappointment follows them everywhere. All these are from the devil who comes to steal , to kill and, to destroy but thank God there is an answer to your problems. And that answer is found only in Jesus Christ the son of the living God.
If you find yourself in this type of situation and you live within Abuja try as much as you can to be at this meeting and I assure you that as you take that step of faith to come every problem of yours would not follow you to the year 2015. Never! Every sickness will be healed in the name of Jesus. Your time to testify has come and I mean it. Be at the Night of Solution. God Bless you.

Yours Truly
Prince Ezeaka

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