Friday, March 22, 2013

Obama's Visit to Israel, prophetic significance?


This is my first end time log post, I felt like it's about time I make a blog of my own and share what the spirit of God has been revealing to me.
I will be connecting dot's on current events as I see them connect with biblical prophecy, I am by no means a prophet nor I claim to be one I simply recognize the signs of the times and interpret them as I understand them.Do not be mistaken, we ARE living in the end times in fact things started to move so quickly in the past few years I cannot even keep up with it but I will do my best to update and share what I discover, so lets jump right to it.

President Obama is about to visit Israel in march 20th, 5 days before the Passover.

And here's something strange, Netanyahu decided to make a logo contest for Obama's visit check it out here:
This is really strange especially after the humiliation prime minister Netanyahu received in his visit to the white house last time from 0bama, on top of it 0bama will receive a medal...
Here's the logo that won the contest

I think this is particularly strange because I don't recall a logo being made for any former US president visiting Israel, but for the most anti Israel president ever to serve in the white house they make both a logo and a medal that he will receive when he arrives to Israel. 
What's interesting is that his arrival will be on the 20th of march which is exactly 5 days before the Passover, Yeshua(Jesus) entered Jerusalem the next day he left Bethany 5 days before the Passover, a coincidence? perhaps.
and here's something even more interesting, in this logo it reads in English "Unbreakable alliance" but in Hebrew it says something different, the true translation from Hebrew would be "Alliance of nations" or a "Covenant of nations"  the word Brit in Hebrew ברית 
is actually translated as a covenant, which is the same Hebrew word that is used in the old testament when God made a covenant with Israel or any other time there was an important covenant made including in Daniel 9:27
Where the men of sin (the AntiChrist) signs a covenant with many.

here it is in Hebrew "והגביר ברית לרבים לשבוע אחד" 

and also the Hebrew word in the logo "Amim" is "nations"
Is God sending us a message that something important is going to take place at Obama's visit? maybe, one thing is sure we are getting very close to the lord's return, all the signs are pointing towards that, I think Obama's visit might help the Jews to get a permission to build their so desired third temple on temple mount this year or the next or at least let them move their Sacrificial altar(which was built in 2008) to temple mount to resume daily sacrifices and offerings in which case they will not need the temple rebuilt to offer sacrifices because the altar can be used before the temple is rebuilt, in fact they have resumed Passover sacrifices in 2008 or 2009. but if they do decide to build the temple it will only take them between 12-18 months to completion.

I don't know about you but I am excited and concerned at the same time, if we are going to see a green light for the Jews to build the temple or move their altar then it means the Man of Lawlessness will be revealed very soon and if indeed some sort of a treaty to be signed on march 20th this year then we will know that its the treaty that the prophet Daniel spoke about in his prophecy in Daniel 9:27 over 2000 years ago and we will have 3.5 years until the covenant is broken, either way whatever happens we have to keep our eyes closely on Israel as it is and always was the center of biblical prophecy and God's plan.