Wednesday, September 5, 2012

About Walid Shoebat (A Testimony)

For the record, my name is Walid Shoebat. I used to be a radicalized Muslim willing to die for the cause of Jihad until I converted to Christianity in 1994. As a member of the PLO I was involved in terror activity, and was imprisoned in Jerusalem for three weeks. In prison, I was recruited to plant a bomb in Bethlehem as a result of which, thank God, no one was injured. My mother was an American and my father a Palestinian Arab. My parents sent me in 1978 to the United States to study at Loop College in Chicago Illinois. Read the rest on

You can also watch Walid where he delivered a 25 minutes speech about his life, his conversion to Christianity and radical Islam here What he said is mind blowing. More souls are coming to Jesus. Praise God! 

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