Thursday, February 5, 2015

The False Doctrine of Predestination

"There are so many theories today concerning
foreknowledge, predestination and
election, until the mind of the normal and
average Christian is so mixed up that he
doesn't know what to believe. If we do not
get these three doctrines straight, our whole
Christian life will be warped, and soul
winning will become a lost grace."
- Dr. Mark G. Cambron

The false doctrine of "Predestination" was first "dreamed up" by John Calvin in the 1500’s AD. Anything that is more than, less than, or different from what God says in the Bible says is a doctrine of Satan which is designed to cause people to be eternally condemned to the punishment of Hell.

"Predestination" is a false doctrine of Satan which teaches that God has already arbitrarily chosen those He is going to SAVE, even before they are born and everyone else is going to be lost. It says that God predestined the salvation or damnation of every person without any regard to the good or evil one may do, and that there is nothing a person can do that has any bearing at all on his salvation. This plainly contradicts what the Bible says.

The Bible says, "The Lord…is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance" (2 Peter 3:9). God wants all people to be SAVED and does not predestine anyone to be SAVED or lost. The only thing that God has predestined or predetermined is to SAVE those who are obedient to His commands (Hebrews 5:9) and to punish those who are disobedient (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9). "Predestination" accuses God of being partial and showing favoritism. But God’s word says that, "God shows no partiality. But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him" (Acts 10:34-35).

The false doctrine of "Predestination" makes every command, every warning, and every admonition of God useless. With "Predestination" there is no reason to try to teach anyone the gospel of Christ if God has already arbitrarily decided who is going to be SAVED and who is going to be lost. This makes no sense at all. But Jesus says, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature" (Mark 16:15). God’s offer of salvation is available to everyone, but each must CHOOSE whether he will accept or reject it.

It is God "who desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth" (1 Timothy 2:4), not just some men to be saved. This doctrine falsely teaches that Christ died only for those he elected to save, but the Bible says concerning Christ, "that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone" (Hebrews 2:9). "Predestination" falsely teaches that the blood of Christ is not available for all men. But the Bible says concerning Christ, "And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world" (1 John 2:2). Christ died for the whole world, not for just some. The false doctrine of "Predestination" plainly contradicts what God says in the Bible and must be rejected if one really wants to be saved and go to Heaven, otherwise he will end up in the eternal torments of Hell.

Why a Triangle in the Reformed Church Logo

I can tell you authoritatively that triangle logo of the Reformed Church is not unconnected to the Freemason cult. It tells me that somewhere in the foundations and forming of the Christian Reformed Church there are ties with the Freemason especially with the founders of the Church. The article below was culled from the Masonic dictionary. Just Read on.

There is no symbol more important in its significance, more various in its application, or more generally diffused throughout the whole system of Freemasonry, than the triangle. An examination of it, therefore, cannot fail to be interesting to the Masonic student.

The equilateral triangle appears to have been adopted by nearly all the nations of antiquity as a symbol of the Deity, in some of his forms or emanations, and hence, probably, the prevailing influence of this symbol was carried into the Jewish system, where the Yod within the triangle was made to represent the Tetragrammaton, or sacred name of God.

The equilateral triangle, says Brother D. W. Nash (Freemasons Magazine iv, page 294), "viewed in the light of the doctrines of those who gave it currency as a divine symbol, represents the Great First Cause, the Creator and Container of all things, as one and indivisible, manifesting Himself in an infinity of forms and attributes in this visible universe." Among the Egyptians, the darkness through which the candidate for initiation was made to pass was symbolized by the trowel, an important Masonic implement, which, in their system of hieroglyphics, has the form of a triangle. The equilateral triangle they considered as the most perfect of figures, and a representative of the great principle of animated existence, each of its sides referring to one of the three departments of creation, the animal, vegetable, and mineral.

The equilateral triangle is to be found scattered throughout the Masonic system. It forms in the Royal Arch the figure within which the jewels of the officers are suspended. It is in the Ineffable Degrees the sacred Delta, everywhere presenting itself as the symbol of the Grand Architect of the Universe. In Ancient Craft Masonry, it is constantly exhibited as the element of important ceremonies. The seats of the principal officers are arranged in a triangular form, the three Lesser Lights have the same situation, and the Square and Compasses form, by their union on the greater light, two triangles meeting at their bases. In short, the equilateral triangle may be considered as one of the most constant forms of Masonic symbolism.

The right-angled triangle is another form of this figure which is deserving of attention. Among the Egyptians, it was the symbol of universal nature; the base representing Osiris, or the male principle; the perpendicular, Isis, or the female principle; and the hypotenuse, Horus, their son, or the product of the male and female principle.

This symbol was received by Pythagoras from the Egyptians during his long sojourn in that country, and with it he also learned the peculiar property it possessed, namely, that the sum of the squares of the two shorter sides is equal to the square of the longest side-symbolically expressed by the formula, that the product of Osiris and Isis is Horus. This figure has been adopted in the Third Degree of Freemasonry, and will be there recognized as the Forty-seventh Problem of Euclid (see Forty-seventh Problem).

- Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

A three sided polygon, beign the first enclosed shape possible with straight lines. The Triangle is important in Masonry due to its connection to the sacred number three and also because it has long represented the concept of the Deity in geometrical form.

- Source:

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