Friday, March 6, 2015


Source: WENN
Source: WENN
As a black Christian who doesn’t believe homosexuality is a sin, I’m constantly disheartened to hear some Black Churches and black leaders speak out so vehemently against the lifestyle. It’s infuriating and embarrassing to say the least. So it’s  refreshing to hear someone so closely connected to the church say something even remotely less homophobic than what we’re used to.
And that’s what gospel artist Tye Tribbett is doing…kind of. In the April 2014 issue of Sister 2 Sistermagazine, Tribbett spoke about homosexuality and why he believes Christians can reach more people through love rather than hate.
In reference to the way pastors deal with homosexuality, Tribbett had this to say:
“I just think their approach is militant, and I think a lot of times when your sin is not somebody else’s sin, it’s so much easier to condemn. It makes you feel better about your dysfunctions when another person’s dysfunctions are seemingly worse.”
While Tribbett acknowledged that the church has improved over the years in their stance, he spoke further about homosexuality  and whether or not it was God’s best for His people.
When the Sister 2 Sister interviewer stated that she believed homosexuality was natural, Tribbett agreed.
Yeah, I definitely understand. Well, I want to respond to that: There are lots of things that are natural to us that may not be God’s best for us. That’s my only thing. I’m not saying that homosexuality is not natural. I agree with you that it is. There are several things that come naturally that’s not God’s best. Children 2 years old, “Did you eat that cookie?” “No.” Lying came naturally to them.”
Nobody taught that kid how to lie. It came in the flesh package, but that’s not God’s best. There are certain things that can trigger the not-so-great natural in all of us. But is it God’s will or God’s best for us, period? And I don’t condemn homosexuality, but I don’t believe it’s God’s best for our lifestyle, according to the Bible.
I don’t know if I should view this as progress or what. It kind of reminds me of Malcolm’s knife quote.Tye just attempted to pull the knife out six of nine inches. In my opinion he’s still wrong though. If he believes a person is born gay but being in a gay relationship is not God’s best for that person, then what is he or she supposed to do? Live a life denying their natural urges? No one ever tells straight people that. The solution is marriage. I’ve been in church all my life and never have I seen, even the topic of premarital sex  discussed with the same passion and disgust as homosexuality.
But it is encouraging to see the stance softening at least.
What do you think about Tye’s comments? Do you agree that though being gay is natural it’s not God’s best for His people? And if so, what is the solution?
You can read the rest of Tribbett’s interview in the April issue on next month.

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