Friday, October 30, 2015

Nathaniel Bassey: An Anointed and Humble Gospel Artist

 I only got to know about him just two years ago when he was invited to minister at my church's annual conference (Summit Bible Church) and immediately I fell in love with him. His songs are simple but deep in meaning and word. Little wonder my senior Pastor kept inviting him consecutively since then at every of our annual conference.


I have listened to so many gospel singers but to me Nathaniel Bassey is in a class of his own. He doesn't command his audience about to get them in the worship mood he just flows in the Spirit and his audience gets in the mood automatically. When he is singing you will find some people kneeling, some standing, some lifting up their hands, while some are slain in the Spirit. This is what is expected from every born again Spirit filled gospel artist.
The problem is that most gospel artists today operate from the realm of the flesh while trying to get people into the Spirit realm, it does not work that way. So they resort to commanding their audience by ordering them into the Spirit.


Many gospel singers will say to their audience things like this "Don't look at me just go ahead and worship Him" they will say "jump for the Lord, or let's all Kneel for the Lord or all eyes closed". They like to command their audience to get into the mood of worship by doing these things. They forget that worship is a spiritual and individual act and that no two people will ever worship they Lord the same way even if their postures are the same. Worship is from the heart not from the posture. It is okay to ask the people to lift up their hands in worship and to let out a shout of praise but not asking them to all kneel or to even lie down. These gospel singers aim at getting the people to feel good and not really to get them blessed. They hardly will sing old anointed songs, they go for the latest yet spiritually dry gospel songs similar to the way circular musicians and their music lovers like to hear and play the trendy hits. There is nothing wrong in singing new gospel songs but it should be anointed not just any new gospel song, and in doing so the old anointed gospel songs should not be done away with as well. The common denominator is the word "anointed".

Today's gospel artists are driven by the spirit in the circular music industry that seeks what is trendy and not what is anointed. But thank God for people like Nathaniel Bassey who are anointed and minister from the realm of the Spirit not the flesh. He is what I call an anointed singer full of the Holy Ghost because mere looking at him you see a humble young man who has a heart for God.
It is sad because most worship singers in our churches today are elephantine with pride to the extent that you can virtually touch it (their pride) in the atmosphere when they are singing. They spend more time perfecting their songs, their voices and their looks and neglecting the spiritual part which is most important. This they ought to be doing and not to leave other undone. At the end they will succeed in making the people feel good but not really blessed.
Nathaniel doesn't sing to make people feel good he leads the people into worship effortlessly and at the end the people are blessed.

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